Wednesday, August 18, 2010


Ok, so I figured that since I am officially a blogger now I should probably blog, you know, to keep up with my status.  I guess it doesn't matter as much since I think we currently have a count of 0 readers, but that's ok because we have one year.  In which I hope to write at least a few more times.  Favorite part of Bolivia trip for me would have to be hanging out with the Ebeneezer boys.  They were sooo much fun to play with.  I remember Julio the most because he was always running.  Once he stopped and you turned around he'd be off again and the chase would commence.  Well, other than running he also peed in the middle of the park which led to Roberto peeing in the middle of the park...I must say that I couldn't help but laugh at the expressions of two other of our group members when they realized what their charge was doing.  It was also funny when Julio decided to kiss one of the group members on the cheek...I thought it was kind of cute and I got it on camera (hehehe).  Of course then Julio decided to look at the pictures I was taking and I think he was pleased because he landed a giant smooch camera?  He was incredibly fun to hang out with and I hope that maybe I will be able to see him again!

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