This has been a crazy week for me and it's not over yet! i move into my dorm on friday! wow! I feel like i have been waiting for this moment for ever and i am so ready for it. the goodbyes are terribly hard. It's a real test of faith for me to let go of people i love when love has been such an up and down thing for me. Going through my room has been emotionally draining. i keep EVERYTHING. looking through my old journals and notes brings me to tears. There has been so much mercy and grace in my life and it's overwhelming. I hope i am forever reminded of that. One thing i am bring to my dorm is a cross the girls at christo viene made. holding that cross that was made by their own hands sends me through a whirlwind of emotions. I have spent a lot of time since i've gotten home looking at picture of the girls and sobbing. I can't even describe how badly i just want to get on a plane and run to christo viene just so i can hold those little girls and never let go. Leaving them is honestly the hardest thing i've ever had to do, i love them so much it hurts. I think about myself, sobbing over these girls, and instantly am reminded of God our father. How little my love is for these girls compared to His. If i, a sinful human, can sob over wanting to be with and care for a little girl, how much more does God long for us to spend time with Him and let Him take care of us. It's a wake up call, at least for me, to let go and fall into the arms of the Savior. It's time to let Him love me.p.s. i am praying about going back to bolivia not only next summer but this coming winter. if anyone else would want to pray that God's will would be revealed to me, i'd love that :)
Peace, love, and bubble gum
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