Well, I just want to say that us girls are just two simple people. One from the city and one from who knows where! Anyway, we are blogging because we are hoping on raising support and prayers from people such as yourself. Before we ask for any of these things we simply want to inform you what we're up to. Well, we are both Christian believers seeking to please God and follow His path of righteousness. We also want to follow Mark 16:15 "Go out into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature." Ok, so we're not preachers or anything, but we do have remarkable gifts that the Lord has blessed us with. Elizabeth is one who can connect with any child she comes across and she has a heart of passion when it comes to loving and caring for these children. I am blessed with the gift of worshiping and a heart for service work. Elizabeth will have to tell you more of what she feels called to do for I cannot speak for her, but I can tell you about myself. First off, this past summer we were able to go to Bolivia for a missions trip. We stayed for about 2 weeks just doing some service work and hanging out with the kids. We weren't there to preach (which is also an important work), but we were there to show the kids God's love. He used us to show them that even though they may seem alone at times that He is there and He loves them. I'll probably go further into when I have my notes. Going on, we were only there for 2 weeks and when it was time to go we felt this thought creeping into the back of our heads..."It's not over here and we're going to come back...we aren't really saying goodbye..." That is what I felt anyway. We want to go back and continue God's work in Bolivia next summer, but we definately need prayer and help. So, please pray that it is God's will for us to go back and in the meanwhile we will keep you updated on how things our going and how God is working in our lives.
P.S. I probably will write more than Elizabeth.. :)