With less than 2 weeks until my departure to Bolivia I figured this would be a good time to post my prayer requests for the trip. I'll be there for a little over 6 weeks. It's crazy to think about all the thing God has taught me this summer already just being at Northwestern. I've been beyond blessed with some amazing roommates that God has used to teach me things and help me grow. Thinking about leaving them to enter into this next part of summer is hard, I'm pretty happy in this little apartment with these girls. I'll miss them that's for sure but I'm so ready to love on these wonderful children and people in Bolivia. So let's not ramble now and get down to business.
1. Pray for comfort as I miss my friends this summer. There are a couple friendships in particular that it's going to be hard to be without consistent contact as they provide encouragement and accountability in my life. Pray even more as I miss my kids at church, that I would not worry about them not having someone consistent who knows what they need to feel safe. That my shy little kiddos will find comfort in the other volunteers this summer. and that they would remember me when i come back...i know that one is a little selfish but these kids have my heart.
2. Pray for Protection. physically but more so spiritually. I've already started feeling attacked with lies and discouragement. The mission field is a battlefield and my story is something God can use and the enemy doesn't like that at all. Pray that my past isn't used as something to keep me stuck in fear. Pray that i remember who my God is and who i am in Him. There's a chance that i could experience healing on this trip as well pray that it isn't prevented.
3. Pray again for my heart. My heart will be broken for these children there's no way around that. I am going to want to pour absolutely everything i have into these children. Pray that i always turn to God to restore so i'm never running on empty and i can show the love these children deserve and need.
4. Pray that my eyes are always open to God's work. I want to be able to see His provision and sovereignty throughout this trip. I want to keep a journal these 6 weeks. Last year i think i only journaled about 5 times in 2 weeks and what i did write is awesome to look back at and see what God did and taught me. I definitely want to be more consistent with it this trip.
5. Pray for openness. If there is an opportunity to do ministry other than what is planned and i'm comfortable with I want to be obedient to God's call. Pray for courage to follow through if i feel God's call.
I feel like there's so much more i should be saying but since i will actually be able to write in this blog while in Bolivia i will be able to add and update as much as i'm able. so if you want to continue to pray for me throughout you can follow me on this blog that i will try to keep updated with as many prayer request, praise reports, and wonderful things God shows me. Thanks in advance for all your support!